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Green Powerfuels


Identificación de aspectos ambientales, sectoriales y territoriales para el desarrollo de proyectos de hidrógeno verde en toda su cadena de valor.

Analysis of the environmental and land permit challenges for green hydrogen projects in Chile. 


Estudio de análisis de dos opciones tecnológicas de reconversión de las termoeléctricas y su integración al Sistema Eléctrico Nacional.

Evaluation of the reconversion of thermal generation facilities in Chile to use hydrogen or incorporate synchronous condensers.

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Análisis de la captura de carbono para la producción de combustibles sintéticos en Chile.

Analysis of feasibility of carbon capture and unavoidable carbon sources in Chile.



Guía técnica de buenas prácticas ambientales para el cierre de centrales a carbón.

Environmental best practices guide for the permanent shutdown of coal generation facilties.


Estudio de alternativas tecnológicas al retiro y/o reconversión de las unidades de carbón en Chile.

Identification of technoeconomic alternatives to reconvert coal generation facilties in Chile.


Consultoría sobre elaboración de línea de base socioeconómica para construir planes locales de Transición Justa en el sector energía que acompañe el retiro de centrales a carbón en Chile.

Development of a baseline study for 3 localities with coal power plants in Chile. The potential employment impact related to the closure of the plants, alternative sources of employment, the contribution of renewable energies, and international best practices were analyzed.


Estudio de variables ambientales y sociales que deben abordarse para el cierre o reconversión programada y gradual de generación eléctrica a carbón.

Analyis of the environmenal and social considerations when permanently shutting down or reconverting a coal generation facility.

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Review of Chile’s decarbonization efforts.

A review the private and public process which led to retirement commitments for coal generation facilities in Chile.

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Progress achieved in the retirement of coal facilities in Chile and the definition of a Just Energy Transition Strategy.

Analysis of Chile's efforts to phase out coal power plants and implement a just energy transition. The document highlights the progress made, particularly in Tocopilla, a coal-dependent region.  Moreover, the document outlines strategies to ensure a just transition that considers both environmental goals and social and economic impacts.

Transformation of Power Markets


Flexibilidad de operación de centrales termoeléctricas chilenas con los instrumentos de gestión ambiental vigentes.

Analysis of the impact of the current emissions regulation has on the flexible operation of thermoelectric facilities.


Informe de ensayos de prestación de servicios complementarios de control primario de frecuencia.

Conducting tests at the Luz del Norte photovoltaic solar plant to verify its capability to provide Ancillary Services, particularly its ability to participate in Primary Frequency Control.

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Flexibilización de Unidad 2 de Guacolda.

Conducting tests at the Guacolda 2 coal power plant to verify its capability to reduce the minimum technical level, particularly its ability to operate with only one mill.  

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Desarrollo de estructura tarifaria de la distribución para una implementación eficiente de la comercialización en el contexto de aplicación del plan de descarbonización.

Analysis of challenges and alternatives to address tariff equity in Chile's electricity system, focusing on mechanisms to ensure fair distribution of costs and benefits amid regulatory and technological changes.


Estudio de incoporacion del atributo de flexibilidad al mercado electrico chileno.

Analyis of potential adjustments to the energy, capacity and ancillary services markets in order to recognize the contribution of flexibility in the Chilean Power system.

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Flexibilización de Unidad 1 de Guacolda.

Conducting tests at the Guacolda 1 coal power plant to verify its capability to reduce the minimum technical level, particularly its ability to operate with only one mill.  

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Flexibilización de Unidad 3 de Guacolda.

Conducting tests at the Guacolda 3 coal power plant to verify its capability to reduce the minimum technical level, particularly its ability to operate with only one mill.

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Informe de ensayos de prestación de servicios complementarios de control de tensión.

Conducting tests at the Luz del Norte photovoltaic solar plant to verify its capability to provide Ancillary Services, particularly its ability to provide dynamic voltage control.



Guía para la estimación de impacto por succión y el proceso de valorización de la pérdida del ejemplar adulto equivalente.

Guide to estimate the impact of water withdrawal in waterbodies in Chile.


Propuesta de regulación ambiental para sistemas de refrigeración de centrales termoeléctricas y otros sectores que succionan agua y descargan cursos de agua en sus procesos industriales.

Proposal to define regulation around the environmental of withrrawal and discharge by cooling systems at thermoelectric facilties in Chile.

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Guía de buenas prácticas en el uso de agua para refrigeración de centrales termoeléctricas.

Best practices guide associated to the use of of water to cool thermoelectric facilities.


Estudio de antecedentes técnicos, económicos, normativos y ambientales de tecnologías de centrales termoeléctricas y sus sistemas de refrigeración.

Analysis of enviromental, technical, economic and regulatory challenges associated with cooling systems at thermoelectric facilities.

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