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Electricity markets
& regulation

We support the following types of clients with electricity market and regulation challenges:​


Commercial & industrial electricity consumers​.


Electricity trading and sales teams in generation companies.


Transmission and distribution companies.


Equity investors & banks.


Government & industry associations.​


The support includes regulatory assessments, electricity litigation & regulatory disputes, industry and market assessments, energy and environmental policy assessments and participation in due-diligence processes.




Energy market intelligence

We have provided our clients with intelligence from energy markets to support them in their strategic decision making. We support our clients with the following types of services:


Electricity market participation & opportunity intelligence, including intelligence to improve ISO interactions & bids.


Short, medium and long term market forecasts, including spot price, demand, congestion and curtailment forecast.


+ Energy consumer intelligence such as electricity consumption patterns, supplier intelligence and PPA/solutions intelligence for end consumers.


+ Technology cost & market analysis for energy storage, renewables, powerfuel production, hydrogen production and non-fossil fuel vehicles.




Data Processing

Electricity data
& analytics

We provide our clients with energy data and analytics services related to:


Use of generation and distribution data for decision making & strategy.


Electricity market participation algorithms and strategy.


Generation portfolio optimization.




Green Energy Turbines

Renewable energy integration, flexibility, energy storage &
grid transformation

Renewable energy and grid transformation services for our clients include:


Renewable energy integration scenario modeling, including congestion & curtailment analysis.


Business case development, market participation strategy and regulatory support for energy storage and flexible resources.


Grid transformation assessments including transmission planning, storage as a transmission asset and analysis of grid control systems to increase reliability.


Capacity expansion planning scenarios including evaluation of integrated resource plans, review of capacity expansion processes from ISOs and regulators, and adequacy and reliability analysis.





Distributed energy resources & services

We support our clients with the following services:


Self-supply & energy efficiency assessments, including evaluating behind the meter storage/generation and market participation of distributed sources.


Use of data from smart meters to manage consumption.


+ Business case development and evaluation of electrification of vehicles or transportation infrastructure.




strategy and policy

We support Commercial & Industrial Clients the development of carbon reduction initiatives which includes:


Carbon capture and carbon use assessments.


Sustainable energy procurement.


Industrial energy efficiency & carbon reduction.


Participation in carbon markets.


We have supported the decarbonization and generation company transformation which included coal facility retirement, natural gas and coal asset transformations.






We have supported clients in:


Analysis of opportunities for green hydrogen & powerfuels including market assessments and regulatory/policy analysis.


+ Hydrogen & powerfuels production & use, including business case development, project evaluation, energy sourcing, energy supply evaluation, and regulatory & permitting support.




Energy, environment
& social nexus

We have supported clients in:


Assessing the social & environmental impact of energy projects including multidisciplinary due-diligences and environmental permitting strategy.


Environmental & social policy analysis.


Environmental regulation analysis and risk assessments.


Development just transition strategy and policy.




© 2023 inodu

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